Homeowners Insurance Leadid: 77306
Primary Residence: Yes
Number of families living in residence: 1
Current Carrier: Liberation Mutual
Current Annual Premium: $1223.00
Date your current policy expires: 11/2011
Location: Inside City Limits
Garage Type: No Garage
Design Type: Townhouse
Basement: No Basement
Construction Type: Stucco
Fire Station: 10 Miles
Fire Hydrant: Within 1000 feet
Roof Materials: Shake/Wood Shingle
Design Type: 1994
Smoke Detectors: Yes
Fire Extinguisher: 5
Dead Bolt Locks: Yes
Central Heat: Yes
Fireplace / Wood Stove: No
Central Air Conditioning: Yes
Is any business or farming conducted on the premises?: No
Property insurance claims in the last 5 years?: 1
declined, cancelled or refused to renew similar coverage in the past 5 years: No
foreclosure, repossession, bankruptcy, or lien in the past 5 years?: No
Estimated selling price for your home: 200000
Full Name: Jacob **********
Email Address: ******@hotmail.com
Address: **** S Federal Hwy
City: Homevill
State: MI
County: Wesson
Zip: 12222
Primary Phone: ***-***-8957
Secondary Phone:
Best Time To Contact: Evening